Post by James Guys, Listen, I need the VIrtual PC for 68k Macs, I believe it was actually Softwindows, but i dunno, any one?
What kind of 68K machine do you have. You might be able to find a DOS compatible card or an OrangePC card for it, those could run x86 OS's pretty well. I had a Quadra 700 with an OrangePC card once.
Post by James Guys, Listen, I need the VIrtual PC for 68k Macs, I believe it was actually Softwindows, but i dunno, any one?
What kind of 68K machine do you have. You might be able to find a DOS compatible card or an OrangePC card for it, those could run x86 OS's pretty well. I had a Quadra 700 with an OrangePC card once.
I'd try to go this route too (or buy a real Windows PC). Emulating a Windows PC on a 68K Mac is going to be horribly s-l-o-w and / or leave you stuck with Windows 3.0 or DOS only, as well as probably not running the software you need it for.