Need to get Windows XP from Virtual PC to Parallels
(too old to reply)
2010-01-28 17:13:42 UTC
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is legal. How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC, which I cannot do on the new computer? <br><br>Thanks!
2010-01-29 09:09:53 UTC
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I
have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a
defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is legal.
How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC, which I
cannot do on the new computer?
parallels (and vmware) both have importers for virtual pc images.
hopefully it was version 7 of vpc, otherwise you're screwed.
Steve Jain [MVP]
2010-01-29 19:02:38 UTC
Post by nospam
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I
have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a
defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is legal.
How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC, which I
cannot do on the new computer?
parallels (and vmware) both have importers for virtual pc images.
hopefully it was version 7 of vpc, otherwise you're screwed.
Legally, your Windows XP is only licensed for use with Virtual PC, it
is not licensed to run on any other computer, virtual or physical, as
it was an OEM license bundled with VPC.
Steve Jain, Virtual Machine MVP
Your Name
2010-01-30 01:38:42 UTC
Post by Steve Jain [MVP]
Post by nospam
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I
have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a
defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is
legal. How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC,
which I cannot do on the new computer?
parallels (and vmware) both have importers for virtual pc images.
hopefully it was version 7 of vpc, otherwise you're screwed.
Legally, your Windows XP is only licensed for use with Virtual PC, it
is not licensed to run on any other computer, virtual or physical, as
it was an OEM license bundled with VPC.
Nowhere does it say it was a bundled version of XP ... it says "My XP is
legal", which would lead me to believe it's a separately purchased
2010-01-30 07:36:20 UTC
Post by Steve Jain [MVP]
Post by nospam
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I
have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a
defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is legal.
How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC, which I
cannot do on the new computer?
parallels (and vmware) both have importers for virtual pc images.
hopefully it was version 7 of vpc, otherwise you're screwed.
Legally, your Windows XP is only licensed for use with Virtual PC, it
is not licensed to run on any other computer, virtual or physical, as
it was an OEM license bundled with VPC.
you apparently missed the part where he said it's legal. i take his
word for it.

furthermore, microsoft doesn't care. they will activate a virtual pc
import into vmware/parallels.
Fred Horvat
2010-01-31 16:32:15 UTC
This is correct. XP is tied to VPC and VPC only. But technically you can
use the XP CD under another virtual product or even on a real PC. Just not
Post by Steve Jain [MVP]
Post by nospam
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Hello--my old iBook just died, taking my Virtual PC installation with it. I
have the original discs, the replacement discs (when originals developed a
defect, you sent me replacements), and all the product keys. My XP is legal.
How do I get it visible to Parallels without running Virtual PC, which I
cannot do on the new computer?
parallels (and vmware) both have importers for virtual pc images.
hopefully it was version 7 of vpc, otherwise you're screwed.
Legally, your Windows XP is only licensed for use with Virtual PC, it
is not licensed to run on any other computer, virtual or physical, as
it was an OEM license bundled with VPC.
Your Name
2010-01-31 23:19:38 UTC
Post by Fred Horvat
This is correct. XP is tied to VPC and VPC only. But technically you can
use the XP CD under another virtual product or even on a real PC. Just not
No, it's not correct. Nowhere did the original person say that their XP
was bundeled with VirtualPC. In fact it said it was a "legal" version
rather than a "bundled" version, which suggests it was purchased
separately, in which case you can use it wherever you want (as long as
only one copy is installed at a time).
Fred Horvat
2010-01-31 23:30:19 UTC
OK then I read it wrong. My version of VPC came with XP and that's what I
was basing my comments on.

If that being the case that they have a XP CD I would just do a fresh
install of XP under the new Virtualization Environment. It would be so much
cleaner and perform better. Big deal about installing software from
scratch. This way you know all is clean and top notch especially with the
hardware level and Registry.

On 1/31/10 6:19 PM, in article
Post by Your Name
Post by Fred Horvat
This is correct. XP is tied to VPC and VPC only. But technically you can
use the XP CD under another virtual product or even on a real PC. Just not
No, it's not correct. Nowhere did the original person say that their XP
was bundeled with VirtualPC. In fact it said it was a "legal" version
rather than a "bundled" version, which suggests it was purchased
separately, in which case you can use it wherever you want (as long as
only one copy is installed at a time).
Steve Jain [MVP]
2010-02-01 02:30:36 UTC
Post by Your Name
Post by Fred Horvat
This is correct. XP is tied to VPC and VPC only. But technically you can
use the XP CD under another virtual product or even on a real PC. Just not
No, it's not correct. Nowhere did the original person say that their XP
was bundeled with VirtualPC. In fact it said it was a "legal" version
rather than a "bundled" version, which suggests it was purchased
separately, in which case you can use it wherever you want (as long as
only one copy is installed at a time).
Uh, the bundled version of XP is also legal, but is licensed only for
use with Virtual PC and is not bootable.
Steve Jain, Virtual Machine MVP
Fred Horvat
2010-02-02 01:49:28 UTC
Yes it is not bootable but installable non the less. Boot off a floppy and
then install from the CD. Works like a champ. I tried doing a fresh
install that way under VPC. Worked but ran slower than the already created
disk image provided with VPC. Why I don't know so I deleted the manual
installed drive and have lived with the MS created drive ever since. Maybe
some special drivers? I did install the Additions programs but that did not
increase performance much.
Post by Steve Jain [MVP]
Post by Your Name
Post by Fred Horvat
This is correct. XP is tied to VPC and VPC only. But technically you can
use the XP CD under another virtual product or even on a real PC. Just not
No, it's not correct. Nowhere did the original person say that their XP
was bundeled with VirtualPC. In fact it said it was a "legal" version
rather than a "bundled" version, which suggests it was purchased
separately, in which case you can use it wherever you want (as long as
only one copy is installed at a time).
Uh, the bundled version of XP is also legal, but is licensed only for
use with Virtual PC and is not bootable.
Steve Jain [MVP]
2010-02-02 02:33:42 UTC
Post by Fred Horvat
Yes it is not bootable but installable non the less. Boot off a floppy and
then install from the CD. Works like a champ. I tried doing a fresh
install that way under VPC. Worked but ran slower than the already created
disk image provided with VPC. Why I don't know so I deleted the manual
installed drive and have lived with the MS created drive ever since. Maybe
some special drivers? I did install the Additions programs but that did not
increase performance much.
Yes, there are work-arounds, but that violates the EULA too, according
to what MS told me.
Steve Jain, Virtual Machine MVP
2010-02-02 18:41:08 UTC
thank you all for your kind advice. As it turns out, the problem had to do with the Snow Leopard installation, and once it was reinstalled correctly Parallels spotted my VPC virtual machine and opened it right up. <br><br>Of course I can't connect to the network (the Mac connection works fine) to save my life, but at least that's a new problem... Thanks again.
2010-02-02 18:41:43 UTC
and yes, I bought VPC as a standalone product.
2010-02-03 01:20:30 UTC
Okay, I can now report that this is working properly. This is due in no small measure to a very good Parallels support tech by the name of Anupama, who through multiple email exchanges got me through the various configuration anomalies and here I am with a Windows net connection that works. With my Virtual PC virtual machine running on the new machine just like it oughta. Only much faster. <br><br>I think it's safe to say I won't be attempting additional installations. Thanks very much for all your help. I'm starting to enjoy my new Mac at last.
Fred Horvat
2010-02-04 02:12:16 UTC
Cool, a happy ending.
Post by m***@officeformac.com
Okay, I can now report that this is working properly. This is due in no small
measure to a very good Parallels support tech by the name of Anupama, who
through multiple email exchanges got me through the various configuration
anomalies and here I am with a Windows net connection that works. With my
Virtual PC virtual machine running on the new machine just like it oughta.
Only much faster.
I think it's safe to say I won't be attempting additional installations.
Thanks very much for all your help. I'm starting to enjoy my new Mac at last.