2009-06-13 05:37:52 UTC
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Like several other posters to this forum, I have tried MSIE8 under Windows XP under VPC for Mac 7.0.3 under Leopard 10.5.7, and have run into a "no content displayed" problem. I even started a new VM from the original VPC7 Mac CD and upgraded thru XP SP3 and other updates, lastly MSIE8.
It seems like there's an incompatibility between "the system" and how MSIE8 wants to display content in the window. I really need to solve this because MSIE8 at work shows problems with my wife's web site (I'm the webmaster). My only other recourse is to go buy a new intel-based laptop (Mac or otherwise) to debug the HTML problems, and we really don't need that expense! Please help.
Processor: Power PC
Like several other posters to this forum, I have tried MSIE8 under Windows XP under VPC for Mac 7.0.3 under Leopard 10.5.7, and have run into a "no content displayed" problem. I even started a new VM from the original VPC7 Mac CD and upgraded thru XP SP3 and other updates, lastly MSIE8.
It seems like there's an incompatibility between "the system" and how MSIE8 wants to display content in the window. I really need to solve this because MSIE8 at work shows problems with my wife's web site (I'm the webmaster). My only other recourse is to go buy a new intel-based laptop (Mac or otherwise) to debug the HTML problems, and we really don't need that expense! Please help.